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Learn which blueprint properties you can use to configure the SEO Insights section.

Kirby SEO Audit doesn't require any global configuration. All aspects of the plugin can be configured on a per-section basis. For specific use cases, such as running Kirby inside Docker containers, you can adjust the proxy configuration globally.

Section Properties

label String

The label property defines the label of the section. It is provided by the plugin translations based on the current Panel language.

If you want to change the label, you can do so by setting the label property:

type: seo-audit
label: SEO Report

keyphraseField String

If you want to include keyword/keyphrase assessments in your SEO analysis, you need to define a field in your blueprint that contains the keyphrase for the given page (or use the keyphrase property, see below). The editor can then enter the keyword or keyphrase for which he wants the page to rank in Google.

Set the keyphraseField property to select which field of the current page model contains the keyphrase.

    type: fields
      # Define the keyphrase field
        label: Meta Keywords
        type: text
      type: seo-audit
      # Reference the keyphrase field
      keyphraseField: metaKeywords
If no keyphraseField is defined, all keyphrase assessments will be skipped, unless you explicitly enable them in the assessments property.

keyphrase String

If you don't want the editor to enter a keyphrase manually, you can set a default keyphrase for SEO analysis or use a Kirby query to resolve the keyphrase dynamically.

For example, this is useful to automatically use the page title as the keyphrase:

type: seo-audit
keyphrase: "{{ page.title.value }}"

synonymsField String

Add synonyms to your keyphrase to avoid repeating the same keyphrase over and over again. Not only will readers like this, but it will also help Google to better understand what your content is about.

Set the synonymsField property to select which field of the current page model contains the synonyms.

    type: fields
        label: Meta Keywords
        type: text
        label: Keyword Synonyms
        type: tags
      type: seo-audit
      keyphraseField: metaKeywords
      synonymsField: synonyms

synonyms Array

Just like the keyphrase property as an alternative to the keyphraseField, you can set the synonyms property directly in the blueprint. This allows you to define synonyms directly in the blueprint without the need for a separate field for an editor to fill in.

type: seo-audit
keyphrase: "{{ page.title.value }}"
  - Kirby
  - SEO
  - Audit

assessments Array

Kirby SEO Audit comes with a set of assessments that are used to analyze the content of a page. You can enable or disable individual assessments by setting the assessments property. By default, all assessments are enabled.

For a list of available SEO checks, see the Assessments Guide page.

An example configuration that only includes a subset of assessments:

type: seo-audit
  # Select the assessments you want to include
  - MetaDescriptionKeyword
  - MetaDescriptionLength
  - PageTitleWidth
  - TextImages
  - TextLength

contentSelector String

The contentSelector property allows you to define a CSS selector to select the content of the page that should be analyzed. This is useful if you want to exclude certain parts of the page from the SEO analysis, such as the header, footer or sidebar.

By default, the plugin uses the body tag to select the content of the page. If you want to analyze only the content of a specific element, you can set the contentSelector property:

type: seo-audit
contentSelector: "#main:not(.sidebar):not(.footer)"

The analysis paper contains recommendation links to articles on that explain the individual assessments in more detail. While these links can be helpful, you may want to disable them for privacy reasons or because you don't want to distract the editor.

Set the links property to false to disable any links in the SEO report:

type: seo-audit
links: false

persisted Boolean

Decide if the audit should be saved to local storage or not. By default, the generated SEO report will be saved to (and read from) the local storage of the browser. This allows the editor to close the panel and return to the SEO audit later without having to re-run the analysis.

To disable persisting the analysis, set the persisted property to false:

type: seo-audit
persisted: false

Global Configuration

In most cases, i.e. for traditional Kirby sites, you don't need to configure anything globally.

proxy Array

The proxy API path is used to fetch the HTML content of the page if the preview URL is not on the same origin as the Panel. This is necessary to avoid CORS issues.

urlResolver Callable

The urlResolver property accepts a callable that is used to resolve the URL of the proxy API. This is useful if you run Kirby inside Docker containers and need to resolve the URL to the host machine:

'johannschopplich.seo-audit' => [
    'proxy' => [
        'urlResolver' => function (string $url) {
            $uri = new \Kirby\Http\Uri($url);

            if ($uri->domain() === '') {

            return $uri->toString();

params Array

Any parameter supported by Kirby's Remote::request() method can be passed to the proxy API. This is useful if you need to authenticate against the preview URL:

'johannschopplich.seo-audit' => [
    'proxy' => [
        'params' => [
            'basicAuth' => 'user:password'